About Us
Our Vision

We seek to be the most innovative and trusted partner for organizations with staff working in high-stress environments across the globe to help them both maintain their well-being and thrive in their work.
Our vision has led to the development of cutting-edge trainings, assessments, and interventions that we continue to make more effective and accessible. In doing so we hope to bring about a more equitable, sustainable, and hopeful future for all individuals who encounter high-stress situations knowing that the more access staff have to resources and support the more resilient they can be.
Over 20 years ago, the Headington Institute was founded after seeing the challenges staff faced when working in complex and dangerous environments. Our team of psychologists partnered with responder organizations worldwide before, during, and after deployment in order to ensure the wellbeing of their staff. Since our founding, we have expanded to support staff working in a variety of high-stress contexts.
As we look forward, our goal is to be a catalyst for shaping the future of sustainable work by delivering high-quality, evidence-based mental health solutions to organizations and their staff operating in high-stress settings worldwide. We do this by conducting original research, which informs our individual and organizational assessments and interventions. This allows us to develop tailored and unique products and services in person and digitally that are trauma-informed to support organizations and their staff to thrive.
We believe nurturing individual well-being and the collective human spirit is an essential component of all our interactions.
We believe in the value of partnering with local and indigenous solutions.
We hold ourselves accountable for carefully delivering exceptional services and products.
We believe the individuals and organizations that work in challenging environments deserve the best services and resources available anywhere.
We seek to promote a sense of belonging and psychological safety that fosters innovative solutions by creating equitable and inclusive environments.
We believe hope and spirituality are vital personal resources.
Focus On The Future
We build bold solutions before they are needed.
We care for the well-being of the environment and social conditions wherever we work and consider how our decisions impact the world.
Theory of Change
Staff who work in high-stress environments can adapt and even thrive when workplaces support them in navigating the unique challenges experienced in these settings. Effective staff care and leadership support programs can promote psychological well-being and advance individual and collective resilience. This support results in more engaged staff and effective organizations.
Organizational Evolution
We believe that as the world changes our response should too. Over the past two decades, the way we tell our story has evolved.
Current and Past Logos for Headington Institute

Our current logo embodies our commitment to creating bold solutions for future challenges. To continue our legacy as a trusted partner for organizations operating in high-stress contexts we must chart a course past the horizon line of what we know. We will leverage our research to build supportive and innovative solutions alongside our client-partners.
This logo is the next iteration of the Headington Institute identity. We began with a figure on a hill, looking out into the world. Our second logo imagined our staff offering a supportive hand to clients in the field. Our current logo honors the history of Headington Institute as an H through which we and our client-partners look to the future and chart a path forward together in partnership.