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The Partnership Fund

Join a group of visionary supporters strengthening the impact of  humanitarian aid.  

The Partnership Fund provides immediate, responsive support to humanitarians in active crisis zones.

You are only as strong as your people. 

Humanitarian organizations rely on the strength of their staff to make the biggest impact they can. At Headington, we understand that the effectiveness of relief efforts is directly tied to the well-being of these workers. They are the ones who dig through rubble to find the last survivor, sacrifice sleep to ensure one more family reaches safety, and provide nourishment to children whose homes and communities have been destroyed. 

After 22 years of supporting aid workers before, during, and after countless crises, we know that providing psychological support in the midst of a crisis keeps humanitarians strong in the face of incredible adversity. 

In 2023, we have witnessed a surge in requests for help from crisis zones that have captured our hearts and headlines. Heartbreaking images from Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, and Lebanon serve as constant reminders of the suffering faced by countless individuals. In response to these crises, our team is actively supporting humanitarian relief workers who show up every day to make a difference.

By giving to The Partnership Fund, you can make a difference in the lives of those in crisis zones by ensuring there are always strong people on the ground ready to respond.

Become a Partnership Fund Founder

On Giving Tuesday 2023, visionary donors helped us establish The Partnership Fund. Join them and give to The Partnership Fund before January 1, 2024 to become a recognized Partnership Fund Founder. Help us continue to build The Partnership Fund so that those working in the worst circumstances always have the best care.

The Partnership Fund Founders

Gifts made to the fund in 2023 will establish the fund to provide immediate care to humanitarians caught in conflicts, no matter their situation. As the crisis fund is deployed, we’ll begin sharing stories of how your gifts have made a difference; both in the lives of individual humanitarians and the communities they support.

Life-Changer | $5001 +

Benefactor | $1000 – $5000
Cathy Cimbalo
Diane Flannery
Peggy Schmid

Changemaker | $500- $999
Kristen Swift

Investor | $250-$499
Diana Marie Concannon
Brenda Hartman-Souder

Supporter | $100- $249
Pamela Fogg
Sally LeFeber
Theresa Page
Jami Zaken

Friend | $25 – $99
Caitlyn Ference-Saunders
Maya Flannery
Betsy Gard
Andrea Kraybill
Megan Moody

We have received the top badge for transparency and responsibility from Guidestar.

Help build the resilience of staff across the world.

The Partnership Fund provides immediate, responsive support to humanitarians in active crisis zones.